is Professor of American Literature and American Studies at New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, and the Chair of the American and British Studies Program.
In 2007 she obtained the honorary academic degree of Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.).
Albena Bakratcheva is author of Similarities in Divergences (1995), Potentialities of Discourse (1997), Visibility beyond the Visible. The Artistic Discourse of American Transcendentalism (2007). She is editor and translator of Henry David Thoreau: Life Without Principle. Selected Works (2001) and editor of The Sun Is but a Morning Star. Anthology of American Literature (2005).
Dr. Bakratcheva is member of the Thoreau Society U.S.A., the International American Studies Association (IASA), the Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS) and the Bulgarian American Studies Association (BASA).
Albena Bakratcheva's international experience includes: Fellowship of the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (1992); Fulbright Grant - SUNY U.S.A. (1993-94); USIA Fellowship - Summer Institute on Contemporary American Literature at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. (1999).
Since 2008 Albena Bakratcheva is Erasmus-Lecturer of American Literature at the Dipartimento di Lingue e letterature moderne. Università degli studi di Macerata, Italia.