The wall came down in 1989 but Vasko The Patch has been shredding the iron curtain to pieces for more than 30 years now.
Vasko is a legend of Mississippian proportions! He’s been spreading the Gospel of blues around the world the only way he knows: with youthful exuberance, inspired energy and effortless craftsmanship.
Who exactly, you might ask, is Vasko The Patch?
One question - so many answers.
He is a refreshing throwback to a time of musical innocence, the original rock’n’roll warrior, the always-wandering troubadour. He is the thunderous drummer, the guitar slinger, the virtuoso harmonica player, the songwriter, the poet, the party animal, and the genuine voice of an endangered art form. But beyond all, he is the fearless rebel that wouldn’t be silenced by censorship, dictators, corruption and hate. Vasko traveled with the wind of change when the air in Eastern Europe stood completely still – long before the wall came down, long before it was safe to speak out your mind or challenge the establishment. He wrote the infectious, anti-communist anthem “Comunizmat si Otiva” that scorched the streets in 1989 and became embedded in the very fabric of our turbulent history. Millions sang along as the oppressive regime came tumbling down and crawled forever into a dark dungeon of its own making. But The Patch didn’t stop there: he kept the party going and our hearts singing while constantly challenging corrupted powers, organized crime, homophobic bigots and talentless imposters. Those were the spawns of our new realities and Vasko was their formidable enemy. They say that blues is suffering. May be this is the reason it grew so strong and voluptuous from the rich, but soaked in tears soil of the Mississippi Delta and spread with pandemic intensity all over the world. The blues flourishes where there is pain, injustice, poverty or a broken heart. In other words, the blues is everywhere, and frankly, Vasko himself is seemingly everywhere. He has played in city squares, arenas, streets, small clubs, stadiums, basements, prisons, rooftops and concert halls. For a 100 000 enthusiastic people in Sofia and for a handful of tortured souls in a German prison. He has performed with John Mayall, The Blues Brothers and in front of president Clinton. Vasko has no understanding of prejudice or musical aristocracy. His devastating brand of rock'n'blues has sounded at music festivals, biker gatherings and massive fundraisers. He has played all over the world, including at Buddy Guy’s Legends in Chicago, the infamous Heineken Club in Amsterdam and the Jazzgalerie in Germany. Once he even managed to perform from the top of a moving bus without even skipping a beat.
What is the core essense of Vasko’s music and poetry? Without even knowing it he has given me, and thousands like me direction, creative boost and a lasting inspiration. In one of the songs featured in this album (Noshtni Peperudi), he sings of those unruly butterflies that somehow always manage to come flying too close to the fire. “Who knows why” – sings the Patch-”some might say they're crazy, but they simply have to do it!” It is their destiny, their purpose to reject conformity and risk it all. Surely, those butterflies are nuts. Why take chances? Why not cuddle up inside the cozy matrix, keep consuming, without asking questions and be a low voltage battery? Sorry, not an option! Not for Vasko! You will find him right in the middle of the fire: always questioning, rebeling, experimenting and challenging. His band of talented musicians is comprised of twenty year olds and you know what? He just might be the youngest one of them. All too often nowadays art is assassinated by mediocrity and venomous corporations. Music is being manufactured on assembly lines and in corporate board rooms. Prefabricated pop stars are synthesized and fed to the unsuspecting masses through corrupted airwaves. More than ever we need people like Vasko.
Who exactly, you asked is Vasko The Patch?
We grow up, have families, become responsible, go about our daily jobs, write annual reports and put up with the cranky boss. But deep inside each and every one of us there hides a blissfully naive, non-conforming, wide-eyed child; an eternal traveler; a timeless dreamer and a patch for our wounded souls. Guess what? That child has a name! And believe me, that name is Vasko.
Vasko The Patch.
Ivo Ivanov (journalist for ”7 dni sport”)