Vanya B. Lozanova-Stantcheva graduated from the Department of History of Sofia University “St. Clement Ohridski”, major Ancient and Medieval History and Culture and second major – Bulgarian Philology; She specialized at the Center for History and Theory of Culture and Classical Philology Department of Sofia University. In 1991 she successfully completed the Ph.D. thesis on the “Thracian Kotytia: Literary Type and Mytho-Ritual Prototype”, her habilitation basing on the work “Aristophanes’ Comedy Birds: ΟΡΦΙΚΑ and ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΑ”. She became Doctor of Arts History with her doctoral dissertation “TEREUS or the Dramaturgical Topos of Metamorphose”. She is professor of Ancient History and Thracology, Ancient Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism, History of Theatre, Ancient Mystery Religion at Sofia University „St. Clement Ohridski”; at the South-West University “Neophit Rilsky”, Blagoevgrad, at the Varna Free University “Tchernorizets Hrabar”, Varna; at “Paisiy Hilendarsky” University in Plovdiv, etc.
Vanya Lozanova-Stantcheva specialized at a number of outstanding universities and institutes as follows: the Departament of Greek and Latin at Philosophy and History of the University of Thessaloniki “Aristotelis” (Greece); the Departament of Greek and Latin at Philosophy and History of the Athenian University “I. Kapodistrias” (Greece); the Department of Classics at the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken and Heidelberg (Germany); Institute for Balkan Studies in Thessaloniki (Greece); at the Center of Epigraphical and Palaeographical Studies of the Ohio State University, USA.
She is professor of Ancient History and Thracology at the Centre of Thracology „Prof. Alexander Fol”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, and also author of five books and many papers in outstanding Bulgarian and foreign journals and editions.